reflecting on 2018

Hi everyone! We are almost a month into 2019, which is crazy.

This first month has already been hectic!! I shared a post earlier in the month about prioritizing health in the new year. I hope you found it useful. While I still do intend to write about my 2019 goals, I have not quite gotten to the point of writing them out yet (key!!). Today I am reflecting on 2018; reminding myself of what worked, what didn’t work, and of course, all that I achieved. Getting out last years planning sheet is really motivating me to sit down and create notes for 2019. I hope this post helps you see the power of writing something down or confiding in a friend. Sharing your goals can help you manifest those things. You need to believe it, see it, feel it, to have it be.


2018 goals

Over the last few years I have shared new year goals and thoughts. Last year I didn’t focus on health related goals but did focus on other happiness related factors. Let’s see how I did…

  1. Exploring more in the kitchen by trying at least 2 new recipes per month. No super proud of this one. While I spent more time not stressing in the kitchen and had a few weekends where I did some intentional (fun) cooking, it still isn’t where I want it to be. Getting an instant pot has helped me explore more, but the joy factor in spending my time cooking does need to be greater.

  2. Improving my relationships by using my planner to help me align my time with priorities and... Well, I would say I did well here. I have said no to more, tried to be realistic about what I can and can’t attend and say now off the bat instead of bailing last minute. My biggest achievement here was setting aside one evening a week I spend time with my sister and nephew. In the past I would have thought I ‘couldn’t’ possibly do this, yet here I am. That is a win!

  3. Completing the 40 day May Cause Miracles guidebook and continue to work on mindset shifts. I didn’t do this. But I spent several seasons focusing on meditation and am happy to report I am now meditating (almost) daily and even getting some mental health help.

Here are the 2018 goals I didn’t share with you guys in last year’s post, but I wrote down for myself in my goal planning chart:

  1. Work less, or get a new job. SUCCESS!! Resigned from my former job just around Christmas.

  2. Fitness certification. SUCCESS!! I became a NASM-CPT in August and started teaching group fitness in October. This was a very long held dream, we are talking almost a decade. Taking the steps to pay for the course, study, and utilize my credentials is something I am truly proud of.

  3. Sponsored TV with 1 new partner. I started working with 2 new partners!

  4. Travel. YES! We went to PNW and a weekend trip for my birthday!

  5. Invest in good makeup and skin care. SUCCESS!!

  6. Blog 2x/month. I would say I waxed and waned with this one.

  7. Create a stand alone nutrition online program. Didn’t even get close here, but I realized my energy was needed elsewhere and that is okay.

How i approached it

All of the above were written down in a chart (courtesy of a Day Designer printable) at the beginning of the year. It helped me think about the 3, 6, 9, and 12 month marks. The power of writing things down is huge. Not only does it help you visualize reaching your goals, but it serves as an accountability tool. Its so satisfying to look back and think, “Wow, I did all of this.”

So here we are into 2019, and I have taken a slower start to setting some goals. Revisiting 2018 sure is motivating and I can’t wait to think about this new year, my new job, and how I can spend more time on me this year. Imagine what you can do when you set a vision for yourself!!

What are you most proud of from 2018? What are you looking forward to this year?